Below you will find some initiatives we are implementing, as well as the ones we have already conducted.
Health & Wellness Programs
“Women on the move” is a fitness program designed to encourage women to adopt a more active lifestyle. Through a series of group fitness classes, outdoor activities, and nutritional guidance, participants not only improve their physical health but also experience the social support and camaraderie that comes with shared wellness journeys.
“Nourish Her” is a nutrition and cooking workshop series that aims to empower women with the knowledge and skills to make healthier food choices. Participants learn about meal preparation, portion control, and the benefits of whole, unprocessed foods, enabling them to take control of their dietary well-being.
“Minds in Harmony” initiative is a mental health workshop series that focuses on stress reduction and emotional wellness. It includes sessions on relaxation techniques, mindfulness meditation, and strategies for building emotional resilience. Women who participate in these workshops gain the tools to prioritize their mental health and emotional well-being.
a refreshing beach workout!
On May 27th. 2023 we provided a space where we were able to pour into the physical and mental health of our fellow ladies.
We were so elated to have Coach Cole and our friends at IntensityX3 join us for this remarkable experience. After the physical workout, we affirmed ourselves by speaking wholesome and life-giving words. Everyone who attended expressed just how much this refreshing workout contributed to lifting their spirits, and strengthening their physical bodies.
Professional & Developmental Workshops for Women
“Empowering Her” - Women’s Professional Development Workshops
This project’s name conveys the essence of empowerment and personal growth that the workshops aim to provide. It emphasizes the focus on women and their professional development, making it clear that the workshops are tailor made to their specific needs and aspirations.
“Her Path to Prosperity”- Skills for Success Workshops
This project’s name highlights the ultimate goal of the workshops, which is to equip women with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers and lead prosperous lives. It conveys a sense of purpose and emphasizes skill-building as a path to prosperity.
Mentorship & Networking Workshops
“Mentoring Her”- Women’s Mentorship and Networking Initiative
This project name combines "empower" and "mentor" to convey the focus on empowering women through mentorship and networking. It highlights the dual purpose of the initiative in providing support and helping women reach their fullest potential.
“Women’s Growth Network”- Empowering Through Mentorship
This project name emphasizes the network aspect and growth opportunities offered by the mentorship program. It conveys the idea of women coming together to support each other in their personal and professional journeys, ultimately fostering empowerment and growth.
scholarships for continuing education
“Educate Her”- Empowering Women’s Scholarships for Lifetime Learning
This project’s name combines "educate" and "her" to emphasize the focus on educating and empowering women. It also highlights the commitment to lifelong learning and personal development.
“Equipping Her for Success”- Women’s Continuing Education Scholarships
This project’s name underscores the idea that the scholarships are creating pathways to success for women through continuing education. It communicates the message that education is a key driver for personal and professional growth.
The sister-sister initiative
The Sister-Sister Initiative. This initiative was geared towards assisting women from various walks of life with their essential needs, but in addition to those needs, it is also designed and intended to assist with purposeful dreams and aspirations as well. For example, starting and furthering their education, fostering entrepreneurship, funding businesses with the resources they need to start, grow and become successful.
Pouring into mental, physical and emotional needs is a major part of this initiative as well.
To date we have assisted various beautiful souls with the funding needed to carry out their aspirations.
We have connected with like-minded organizations, companies and charities to select eligible women to disperse the funding we collected.
In addition to these distribution processes mentioned, we assist women in our local communities and in other countries as well.
Young Ladies empowerment
We recently had the pleasure of connecting and partnering with The Tirop Foundation. Their mission is to establish equal opportunities for International Medical Graduates, and to allot all Medical Students with the same clinical opportunities, because of this life giving organization, we are now connected to and partnering with The Eldoret Children’s Rescue Centre.
It was established in 2002 to host street children. There is a huge population of street Children in Eldoret. There are orphans, children who ran away from their homes and the disabled. Some of them come from homes challenged with adversities of barely meeting the basic minimum human needs. Eldoret Children’s Home is located in Eldoret town in Kenya.
It houses hundreds of children, teenagers and disabled adults. The center provides rescued children with basic necessities such as food and shelter. It also rehabilitates street kids by steering them away from drugs and integrating them back into the society. It is an extremely safe haven. The amount of children, teens and disabled populations coupled with scarcity of resources, proposes a need to assist with better living conditions, basic needs and education. This is where Balanced Women comes in! We will be working with these impactful organizations to give some relief in these areas.
In February of 2023, we have established and launched, “The You are Loved Drive” that will take place annually on Valentine’s Day. We will be sponsoring manicures, pedicures and hairdos to chosen young ladies and a few young men in need as well.
It was also expressed that Eldoret as well as other Rescue Centers are in need of feminine products for the young ladies.
We packaged bags of essentials that included but were not limited to feminine products, deodorant, lotion, socks, body wash, nail polish for the young ladies, chap stick, journals & pens, a piece of jewelry for the young ladies, chocolate, and a love note.
We firmly and wholeheartedly believe that a huge part of leading a well-balanced life, is to ensure that you pour into your mental health and engage in self-care practices as well. We desire for these beautiful individuals to feel loved, special, valued and appreciated. Hence the reason why we are conducting this drive on the day set aside for all things love.
In addition to these efforts, we will be assisting some young ladies with their fees for primary and secondary (high) school, and providing some other necessities as well.
Our Mother’s Day floral deliveries
In lieu of Mother’s Day in May of 2021 we delivered flowers to some of the wonderful moms in our local communities. Each arrangement included hand-written words of love, encouragement and hope as well.
They were truly in awe and everyone of them had the most beautiful smiles.
community outreach
On Saturday December 17th. we served our local communities by visiting the precious souls on the streets of Palm Beach County.
We provided breakfast sandwiches, essentials like toiletries and clothing, and words of encouragement by means of prayer and including bibles in specially hand crafted packages.
Every person we had the pleasure of meeting with were truly refreshed, uplifted and filled with joy.
Our heart is to continue to make this initiative an ongoing one as well.
Our nourishing Christmas food drive
In December of 2021 we did a food drive where we gave out grocery bags with wholesome and nourishing food to women in our local communities. We included hand-written positive and uplifting notes as well. Our young ladies assisted us with this endeavor. It was truly a success!
We have conducted drives internationally where we have assisted with building homes, education and more.
We will continue to assist various people and organizations internationally as well.
breast cancer walk
On October 12th. we participated in a purposeful walk in the park. We honored the precious fighters, survivors, and those we lost to breast cancer as well.
Our bodies are a temple and we should care for it as such. God desires that we prosper and be of good health.
We provided a healthy beverage and light snack to everyone who attended.
The funds we collected were utilized to assist a fellow fighter, Natalie Nuckchaddy with some of her medical bills and expenses, as well as to pour back into our overall mission.
Natalie was diagnosed back in January 2017 with a Triple positive her2 grade 3 invasive breast cancer. She has undergone various treatments, 8 chemotherapy sessions, 18 herceptin. Surgical procedures include: Double mastectomy and T.B.H.& B.S.O. She is currently on Aromasin. She is Brca 2+. This coming November, she will be a 7 year cancer survivor.