My favorite beet smoothie

Hi beautiful people! How are you? Did you have a moment to browse through the site yet? How about sign up for the newsletter? This is officially my first blog post on the new site!

Okay so when I was a child I despised beets. To be honest it was not something that we had a lot of in Trinidad.

But as time progressed on my wellness journey, I started to appreciate them. And now I absolutely love them! Okay let me rephrase that, I love them in juices or smoothies.

Beet root aid with digestive and brain health, inflammation, contains anti-cancer properties, assists with losing weight, contains fiber, folate and vitamin C.

This smoothie is not only tasty, but it’s packed with a lot of wholesome goodness too!

Disclaimer: I am not the best with exact measurements, but I will try my best to list it as precisely as possible.


Try to use organic ingredients as best as you can.

1 beet peeled, washed, and chopped
1/2 cup of frozen strawberries
1/2 of a frozen bananas
1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries
1/2 cup frozen mango
1 piece of ginger (I like it spicy so I use like 1/4 of a piece of ginger, but it all depends on your personal preference).
1 cup of coconut water
a sprinkle of chia seeds, a sprinkle of bee pollen, or a sprinkle of hemp seeds.


Blend all the ingredients together until it has a very smooth consistency, sprinkle the seeds of your choice, and enjoy!

I like having this smoothie either before or after my workouts. My kids love it as well. Leave a comment below and let me know if you are going to try it!

Happy Monday beautiful people. Remember that healthy living can be loads of fun! Let’s cheers to making it a lifestyle!

#peace, #love, #jewelg