My top 20 tips to lead a healthier lifestyle!


Hi my loves! My goodness can you believe it’s December 1st?! This year truly unraveled rather quickly. How’s your holiday shaping up? Okay so I know that the norm is to wait until the very end of the year to get your life on track or make all of those lovely New Years Resolutions. But I wanted to give you a head start and share some of my favorite impactful tips to kick your health and wellness into gear!

My mantra is always lifestyle over the quick fix. Because I notice that when I focused on making changes that would contribute to my overall lifestyle, it made a greater and more lasting effect! 

I know this season could get very hectic, but please remember to take time to make time for yourself. Your health and wellness matters. Focus on ensuring that you get to a place of whole, and maintain your peace and joy. 

Are you ready to dive in?! These are not in any particular order as well. 

  1. Drink lots and lots of alkaline water daily.

  2. Exercise at least 5-7 times per week!

  3. Start your day with prayer and meditation.

  4. Eat or drink something green at least twice per day!

  5. Eliminate stressors and negativity as best as you can!

  6. Engage in activities that make you laugh as much as your breathe.

  7. Surround yourself with people who support your vision and dreams.

  8. Don’t eat after 7pm.

  9. Eliminate processed foods and sugars.

  10. Prepare more of your meals at home.

  11. Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!

  12. Incorporate more natural supplements.

  13. Drink organic teas.

  14. Incorporate ginger!

  15. Read books.

  16. Engage in new experiences.

  17. Guard your heart & release hurt.

  18. Give yourself some grace.

  19. Incorporate more organic, wholesome and raw foods.

  20. Protect your peace.

I trust that these would be helpful in some way. They are truly a part of my essence. I  also pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas season my loves! Leave me a comment below and let me know what are some of your tips to lead a healthier lifestyle. I would love to hear them:)

#peace #love #jewelg