The kickstart your New Year challenge!

Hi my loves! Happy New Year to each and everyone of you amazing souls! I truly receive that 2020 will be a year filled with endless joy, peace, manifestations, birthed dreams, divine purpose and flourishing! 

I wanted to give you guys a little kickstart to your wellness goals! This year let’s commit to turning it up a notch! I wholeheartedly believe that healthy and wholesome practices should be more focused on becoming a lifestyle instead of a quick fix or fad. 

So I wanted to share my personal challenge with you for the month of January. I’m setting challenges and goals for myself for each month of the year. I just think it will be a great way to stay consistent, motivated and to switch it up a bit too. Because I know I need variety in order to thoroughly enjoy my health and fitness regimes! 

Okay so for the month of January we are doing:

  1. No sugars

Natural forms of sugar is ok in moderation. 

2. No coffee 

3. No alcohol 

4. Early to bed 

That’s it my loves! Just these 4! I know you guys are probably looking at me like I have lost my mind (lol), but it’s attainable beautiful ones! YOU CAN do it! I believe in you! Let’s motivate and encourage each other. I urge you to track your progress as well; your mood, skin and energy levels. I promise you that you are going to gain some amazing results. 

So here’s the avocado / “the extra” that you can incorporate with the challenge:

Exercise for at least 5 times per week! 

Also if you need to utilize any of my wellness packages you can be sure to check them out here as well. I can also customize a plan based on your specific needs and interests.

Be sure to hashtag me on all social media platforms using #wam2020

And please let me know in the comments below if you are participating in the challenge!

Sometimes it’s little by little and day by day. We’re going to crush this January goal together. Team us! 

#peace #love #jewelg