Enriching activities to engage in while practicing social distancing. Covid-19

Hey my lovelies or should I say hey Balanced Women?! We have rebranded, expanded and transitioned into our new organization. My heart is to continue to provide refreshing spaces where women can be uplifted, revitalized and encouraged to maintain balance while wearing their various hats! Wow that was a type-full! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop! 

Okay so let’s chat a bit about the Corona Virus. With all the news, statistics and new findings this pandemic can leave us anxious, worried, fearful and alarmed. But I just wanted to reassure you that you are not alone. Please remember God’s promises, receive nothing less than a sound mind and keep hope alive. 

Of course it is wise to take the necessary precautions, stay well informed and assist others as best as we can. Continuing to carry out proper hygienic and healthy habits, nourishing our immune systems and keeping it low key, are excellent ways to assist with diminishing the spread and healing our world. 

At present we are advised to practice social distancing, some parts of our world are on lock down or in quarantine, and many of us are working remotely as well. My heart aches for those individuals whose incomes and jobs are compromised. It’s truly a blessing to have the option of working from home. Our kids are also at home due to school closures as well. 

The reality is sometimes when we are stripped from our “norms” and active schedules it can leave us unfulfilled, clueless and feelings of anxiety and suffocation also creeps in. I just wanted to urge you to utilize this time wisely. Sometimes unplugging and slowing it down are amazing ways to revitalize, reenergize and get back to a place of whole. Reconnect, spend quality time with those you love, and appreciate the power of being still...

I wanted to share some enriching activities that we could all engage in at this time. Let’s focus on the bright side, connect with our friends and loved ones, and hold on to peace. 

  1. Reading

This is a great time to catch up on all those books you have been wanting to read. You know the ones on your nightstand, or in your “books I need to read” note on your phone. Reading is so edifying, especially when you are reading wholesome content. So let the reading begin! 

2. Watching movies!

Okay so between Netflix, Disney Plus, Systems that play DVDs and cable, we could definitely occupy ourselves with some great movies! Pop some organic pop corn, snuggle up with the family, and tune in to a wonderful movie! 

3. Try out new recipes 

Okay so my kiddies and I have been actively engaging in this one. We have lists of recipes we’ve been wanting to try out. So this is a perfect time to start chopping down that list. Make it fun, creative, healthy and tasty of course!

4. At home workouts 

I was seriously having gym withdrawals! But then I had to figure out ways to get my workouts in. So my hubby and I started doing some exercises at home. Pull out your weights, tools, pop on a DVD, or do some HITT movements. Whatever you choose, make sure you get your workout in! 

5. A little bit of outdoors!

A walk, run or riding a bike are some options. Please incorporate outdoors into your quarantine agenda! You need to ensure that you’re receiving some fresh air! 

6. Arts & crafts / board games

These are wonderful activities to do with the kids. Painting, drawing and simply curating is a form is expression, peace and joy. Bring out the monopoly, uno, apples to apples and just connect, laugh and enjoy your family’s company. 

7. Tackle an area in your home! 

Okay so you know that closet you needed to clean out, or the pantry that needs organizing, now is the time lovely ones! Tackle an area in your home that needs sprucing up! 

8. Date night!

So date night is an important affair in our home. Of course we are not physically going out, but you can have date night at home. When the kiddies go to bed, set the mood and spend some quality time with your person. A nice movie, candles, cook a delicious and of course nutritious meal, and just embrace the fellowship. Give each other a massage, put on some music and dance. You truly do not have to skip date night, you just need to get creative! 

9. Catch up with your favorite blogs & influencers. 

You know all those balanced women blogs you’ve been wanting to read, you have the time to read them now (he, he). But seriously though I have been using this time to catch up on my favorite youtubers, bloggers and curators’ content. 

10. Learn a new language! 

Yes yes yes! Learning a new language is so much fun! Spanish, Mandarine or Chinese maybe? Pull up an app, pull out one of those travel books and start learning a new language. It will bring you nothing but total gratification. 

So there you have it my loves. Quarantine doesn’t have to be the end of the world. Let’s love on each other, engage in these enriching experiences and receive God’s peace. 

Leave me a comment below and let me know some ways that you are occupying yourself while practicing social distancing. 

peace, love, Jewelg 🌱