The Check In
Hi, just checking in…
Hi my loves. So I have been meaning to write this post even prior to our unique current state. And I figured that now more than ever it is so much needed. So question time, have you ever been going through a challenging situation in your life and you simply felt alone? I mean we all have people who are in our circles and spaces. Family, friends, loved ones, peers, co-workers. People are around us quite often. But do we really have individuals in our circles who check in? Do we have people who sincerely reach out to see if we’re simply okay?
Life is beautiful. But it also consists of various emotions, feelings and processes. There are mountain top experiences like the moments of joy, peace and all things amazing. But there are also valley moments too. The moments where you truly feel sad, afraid, unworthy, worried, challenged and even alone. And it’s in these moments that you need someone to check in more than ever. You gain a plethora of strength and encouragement from just simply having someone or people in your circle who are genuinely present.
There are so many modes of communication that we can utilize. A text message, a phone call, Zoom meets, FaceTime and Skype just to name a few. And it’s so important that we take advantage of these tools at this time.
Lovely ones we need to be more intentional about checking in; on our loved ones, friends, family, the people in our lives, especially the ones who are quick to utter the words “I’m okay”. That new mom, or the mom that’s having her second, third or fifth child. The people who “disappear”, the individuals who have gone through the pain of loss, or the ones who we know are experiencing a hard time in their lives. We need to check in. I realize that a lot of us have developed the habit of using the “I’m okay” line. Even in those moments when we are not feeling well; and that’s both mentally and physically. We have also developed that “I can handle it, or “I can do it on my own” mentality. But we are not meant to do life alone.
I know for me personally, whenever I am going through a rough time in my life and one of my friends or loved ones check in, it means the world to me. And I continue to strive to do the same. Because we need each other. And it’s important that we cover each other in love and support.
So I’m challenging you to start developing the practice of checking in. Again, especially in this time. Send a text, pick up the phone and call, or simply drive by that person’s home if you’re led to. You can write a message and display it outside your car, honk and just say hello. Of course we have to respect social distancing requirements, and don’t forget to mask up! He he. But let’s be intentional about finding creative ways to check in. It really contributes to making an impactful difference. Because you never truly know what someone else is enduring. I know life gets active and our schedules get filled, but take time to make time to check in.
Life can sometimes feel like a bumpy and rocky ride. But that experience would be much more smooth if we have that assurance that we are not on that ride alone. We are in this together beautiful people. Please remember you are not alone, you do not have to struggle in silence.
I wanted to share a new Series we are about to launch on Instagram tomorrow called “The Check in” with you all. It’s going to entail randomly checking in on ladies from all around the world. Our friends, business partners, family and some of our supporters too. Be sure to follow our Instagram page and stay connected. We will be going LIVE at set times. And remember to also be prepared, because we might just pick you!
I would love to hear about one of the times when someone checked on you and what that felt like in comparison to when you felt as though you had no one checking in. Leave me a reply in the comments.
Let’s continue to create a sacred space to share, heal, grow, refresh and get to a place of whole.
#peace #love #jewelg