Hang in there -An encouraging word for moms, caretakers & to everyone who needs to hear it.

Alrighty so where should this mommy begin?! It was the first day of virtual learning for my family and I today. How was it you ask? Well, let’s just say it was pretty eventful! My children have been attending private Christian school for quite some time. My husband and I were sincerely praying about making the best decision with regards to school amidst this pandemic, and after much thought and simply weighing out what works best for us, we decided to have them continue their education virtually. We were extremely elated when we got word that the school was providing this option as well. 

When I woke up this morning my personal routine went out the door like in a matter of minutes. The kids on the other hand, was on point! I think it had something to do with our rigorous planning and preparing this past weekend. But mine as mentioned was non-existent, and it kicked my anxiety into gear. The kids were unbelievably organized. They woke up, said their prayers, tidied up themselves, and my hubby made breakfast like we discussed. They also logged on to their classes before the commence time. 

So what was wrong? Why did I feel overwhelmed? Once their classes began I started to “dig a little bit deeper”. Instead of checking in on them every 10 minutes, I decided to put on my workout program and pop a squat instead! While I was actively engaging in that killer HITT session, thoughts started flooding my mind. Some of which included thoughts of peace, relief, nervousness, some fears, doubt and thankfulness (I know it sounds bizarre because these thoughts are not all within the same wave length). But, I was experiencing them all at once nevertheless. After my workout, I proceeded to commune with the Lord to get some more clarity and to still be intentional about doing the things that contributes to my joy and wellness. By the time I was finished, in addition to my endorphins being on 25, I felt a whole lot better. Oh and I actually took a moment to nourish my body too - translation I ate something! 

I started to focus on all the things that could go absolutely amazing this year instead of magnifying or highlighting the things that could go wrong. And I realized that even though I knew in my heart that all will be well, humanly I had some concerns and numerous feelings and emotions. But I had to be intentional about pausing, breathing, and allowing thoughts of peace, love, strength, hope and goodness to overtake my mental space. So at this very moment I wanted to sweetly utter these words, “Hang in there.” Whether you made the decision to send your children to school, teach them virtually, or if you choose the homeschool route, doing what works well for yourself and your family is the best decision you could ever make. And if you don’t fall into the category of mom or caretaker, but you feel some of these feelings and emotions as well, I am sweetly saying those words to you too, “Hang in there.”

Did we have some log in issues? Yes! Did we have a few meltdowns? Yes! But did we engage in laughter, fun, effective learning and soaring? Yes! Yes! Yes! 

So wonderful mom, incredible caretaker, or beautiful soul who needs to hear this, please hang in there! You’re doing a phenomenal job. Please be good to yourself, take care of your mind, body, and spirit, be okay with the shifts, try your best to keep some sort of a schedule, be okay though if the schedule totally changes, and just know that you’re never alone. And in your worst moments, you’re still so very loved.

Happy Monday my loves! I am praying for nothing less than the best school term and rest of the year that you could ever experience. I am also praying for our safety. Rest assured that it’s okay to simply feel, permission granted:)

I would love to hear from you. Leave me a comment below and let me know how you’re feeling. The good, the not so good, and everything in between. 

#peace #love #jewelg